Friday 22 December 2006

Dirty Pedo Searching Shites.

Or Pedos should all be executed, you dirty sick shites.

He looks like a normal enough bloke, nothing serial killer about him.

The world is a scary shitty place with scarce oasis' of niceness. When I was a lad I could ride my bike for miles and no one would be worried about whether or not I was going to get abducted, its not that back then you didn't have pedophiles its just that the news wasn't bombarded with stories about them.
Now a days there are pedos around every corner waiting to nab yer child, you eye suspiciously those who are put in charge of yer child such as Teachers and Doctors the world seems to be a scarier place, or is it because the world is smaller due to technology?
I sometimes use colourful language in my posts, a lot of times just to insult people and other times to just turn up on google searches to waste the time of the perverts, sure I expect dirty rude words from the Germans and any Slavic readers. I get pedo , fuck, hot midgets, porno and then theres the "what can a man put up his anus that feels good?" I can't believe someone had to Google that, try Preparation H ya losers, also who asks "can you get sick from eating old sperm? " how old? did you forget to put it into the fridge? or is it from an old guy?
I got a weird one from Argentina, not a big surprise for me as we all know what they are like. "old man to violate little to touch feel " yeah ok then but the worse thing was is that I was the first entry on the search.

Old Bitter Balls- [ Traduzca esta página ]
Kenny would be what my penis is named, please feel free to tell me the name of yer ... Hadon Powell; "A scary little man for sure ." -- Robyn; "Old Knudsen - 79k -
En caché - Páginas similares

At least a couple of other pervs besides me got mentioned.
I have been disappointed with Australia recently as I have had numerous searches for pedo,
they used to be such nice people those Aussies.

Have you been following the case of the Suffolk Ripper in the news that had 5 prostitutes dead , well now they call him a Strangler as nothing was ripped, poor media, they try so hard sometimes.
Well one of the guys under suspicion is named Tom Stephens and he works (or rather did, I'm sure they'll get rid of him) for the supermarket chain Tesco, he met all the gurls that were killed at some point before their deaths as he was a regular for call gurls, he was sad and lonely you see.
He also had a Myspace site. Everyone knows that if you're over 19 and have a Myspace site you're either a pedophile or you aren't taking aging very well. Now you can be a serial killer too.

Even if he didn't kill those gurls he should get some form of punishment for being a sad fucker who can't have a relationship without paying for it, maybe there is something lacking in yer personality lad like um a personality, you made enough effort with driving out and getting the hookers try building yer own character.

An expression I read over at Bench as written by Tony was about a man in a santa outfit walking through a park early in the morning looking for kids, "A pedo on a mission" I just find that so funny, fuck I need to get out more.


Scout said...

How did my name and remarkable comment end up in the freaky search, I wonder? The world is a scarey place for sure.

Sassy Sundry said...

No kidding, of all the people who comment on this blog, Robyn is the nicest.

I recently had a search for "sexy granny." It led them to my Rod Stewart post. They didn't stay.

I get a lot of "spanking" searches too after my post about "A Spanking for the President" blog after the Iraq Study Group report. They never read.

Scary people out there.

Anonymous said...

Trust me, i will shoe a picture of the spam and searches i get. Once you have animal rape, i will feel you are in the same boat. lol...

and you never did answer, how long is it safe to drink old sperm?? ;)

Old Knudsen said...

robyn it was from the comments about Kim jong Ill.

sassy sundry if you can have sex with something or someone there will be a search for it.

xmichra I make love to the animals so therefore I'll never have an animal rape post. once opened 3 days in the fridge.

dive said...

I've learned from you, Mr. K. the Jedi master of blogging, to be VERY careful to put innocuous titles to my posts.
Even so, I got one from a guy searching for "Men at play, nude" linking to my post on Spongebob Squarepants.

It is indeed a fucking creepy world.

Anonymous said...

But CAN you get sick from eating old sperms?

Old Knudsen said...

dive live on the edge, I should also annoy the nazis too, stay tuned.

mutleythedog yes so stop doing it, get it fresh.