Sunday 29 October 2006

Hes Old And He Cares.

Dear Ask Knudsen

Is Oliver Stone and Oliver North the same person as they share the first name and three letters of their last name and the letters left over spell the word 'Resh' which is the 20th letter in the Hebrew Alphabet and we all know Stone's father was Jewish , and North works for Fox News which isn't real news please tell me I'm not insane.

Jean Luc Picard.

Dear nutjob

Go on the roof of a tall building and check it for gravity, I bet you can fly anyway, give it a try.
Oliver Stone a Vietnam war hero that was in that film in which he crossed his legs and you saw his hairy boys, 'Basic Fatal Instinct Attraction' . Oliver North sold weapons to Iran to fund a terrorist group, (or freedom fighters as he called them) no point asking him as he can't recall a thing, Fox news is indeed computer generated, creating random scenarios to scare viewers into watching which is very cunning hence the name 'Fox' giving the impression that if you don't watch you'll be torn apart by dogs owned by some fat twat in a red coat on a horse.

Thankyou for your question.


Anonymous said...

Fox is a scary, scary station. Oliver North will rot in hell, whether he can remember what he did or not.

Anonymous said...

You forgot to add that Olie's nickname was "blood and guts"

Sassy - I don't know if he will rot in Hell or not as I'm not the judge of that. I guess he will have to deal with that won't he?

Old Knudsen said...

sassy sundry he'll rot as much as the rest of them, hes sold his soul to Fox, and thats worse than Hell.

rich- the cruel mouse killer he got his nickname due to his toilet habits, I don't think I need to say more, its ok, the good lord gave us free will in order that we could judge others, Olie looks like an actor that always plays Oliver North type military men, when I find out his name he will be the ultimate look a like for my blog