Monday 25 September 2006

They eat their young you know, smart fish.

I was reading a non news story from about a month ago (I'm a slow reader) it was about Princess Diana's (wasn't she lovely) brother Charles Spencer who was seriously beat up by his friend. Spencer it seems made a pass at the guy's wife 13 years ago and he just found out from her now, ah love and marriage.
Well Old Knudsen doesn't give a shit about those upper class inbred twits and the Spencers are all tossers (except for Di because she was lovely) I just wanted to highlight the friend's name, Darius Guppy, what a cool in a twaty way name, also I read some words that just seemed so funny put together, 'allegedly fell victim to the violent onslaught of Darius Guppy' .
I suppose if your name is Darius Guppy you'd have to be a good fighter and you're sure to be angry.

Heres one way to attract foreign visitors to your Blog, insult them, its like mopping a floor, as soon as you do people will want to walk over it.

You German fuckers with your big beers, get the fuck off my Blog and take your oversized beach towels too.
Old Knudsen hasn't forgotten how your press called Princess Di, 'Princess knobbly knees' , and to think I felt bad at giving Sir Arthur 'Bomber' Harris the idea for the Saturation bombing of Cologne and Dresden, well actually I didn't feel that bad.

It must be fate that they named their daughter 'Di' and that Mr Harrod (from Harrod's) named his son Dodo, and now they are no more, if you have a child, be sure to call them Diamond or taxes or bad Blog, for those go on forever.


Sam, Problem-Child-Bride said...

I left a comment for you on your Heff post and came back to see what Old Knudsen had to say but it's not there. It was about Fort William. You'd have loved it.

Darius Guppy sounds like a Wodehousian twit. You've got to admire the upper classes though. They seem to have that "Boy Named Sue" attitude to naming their children and then they send them off to brutal, badly heated boarding scools for 12 years to build their characters. If the working classes did that the nation's social workers would have a collective canary (the worst luck passing to the local authority responsible for birthing the beak).

Fat Sparrow said...

"Darius Guppy," I just immediately picture your guy that played Guppy in the latest Masterpiece Theater version of "Bleak House." I really cannot see him having a punch at anyone. Now, Gillian Anderson in that same "Bleak House"? Yep, she'd knock someone's shite in.

"the Saturation bombing of Cologne"

Is that what that smell was? Seems to be a bit of a scent theme going on today.

Old Knudsen said...

Yeah that was me ya greasy Spaniard, who else do you know opens their mouth when someone pisses on them? oh maybe you should call your sword of flesh your pork pocketknife, just a suggestion.

Foot Eater said...

Steak stub.

Old Knudsen said...

I'm sorry to hear that Mr Eater there are creams and pumps that may help.